"In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed"
- a good principle for regenerative viticulture.
by Francisca Van Zeller
15 April, 2024
At Van Zellers & Co., our aim is broader than the production of exceptional wines: we also embrace a vision of sustainability that goes beyond the production process. Our journey is not just limited to the quality standards of the wine, but extends to a commitment to farming practices that regenerate and strengthen the soil that supports our vineyards.
We believe that every drop of wine tells a story, not only of the land where it is produced, but also of the care and respect we dedicate to our environment. It is with this conviction that we dedicate ourselves to regenerative viticulture, where we endeavour to produce outstanding wines and create a legacy of sustainability and respect for our planet.
Francisca Van Zeller
What is Regenerative Viticulture?
Regenerative viticulture is a sustainable agricultural approach that focuses on continuously improving the soil and promoting biodiversity to create high-quality wines while protecting the environment. Historically, wine farming has been associated with intensive practices that can deplete the soil and harm local ecosystems. Regenerative viticulture seeks to reverse this impact by adopting methods that promote biological diversity and a healthy soil.
Improving the Soil in the Vineyard and the Environment
The classic example is in Bordeaux where the two magnificent Rothschild properties, Chateau Lafite and Chateau MoutonRothschild, although sometimes only a few yards apart, have two entirely different styles. The former has perfect poise or balance, and extreme elegance and may be considered the benchmark of the finest claret. Perfect poise and extreme elegance could well describe Baron Eric de Rothschild, who was the family member responsible for this chateau for forty years. Eric absolutely personifies Lafite, as I am sure that his charming daughter, Saskia will future years.
Good Practices from Van Zellers & Co.
At Van Zellers & Co. we have adopted various regenerative viticulture practices to promote sustainability in our old vineyards.
We use a rotation system of different kinds of legume and brassicas that improves soil fertility and reduces dependence on chemical fertilisers. These cover crops are sown at specific times in the growing cycle to maximise the benefits for the soil. These plants fulfil specific functions, from fixing atmospheric nitrogen to decompressing the soil and protecting it from pests and diseases. Legumes and brassicas are left in the soil after mowing, providing organic matter and protecting it from erosion and nutrient loss.
Another important practice is the use of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which are sprayed on the plants to promote soil health and reduce the need for nitrogen fertilisers. In addition, a horse will do the ploughing of the soil in the middle of the vineyards to bury organic matter and control weeds, thus minimising the use of herbicides.
Benefits for the environment
By adopting these practices, we increase the biodiversity of our vineyards, allowing the soil to fulfil its cycle and regenerate naturally. At the same time, we contribute to carbon retention and oxygen production, while increasing water retention in the soil. We also foster the microbiological life of the soil, creating and protecting insects, birds, and mammals, which are essential for ecological balance.
In short, at Van Zellers & Co. we produce high-quality wines and contribute to the creation and protection of life in our vineyards, thus promoting a healthier and more sustainable environment.